Multi-Hazard Protection Engineering is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to preempt, counteract, mitigate, and, where possible, prevent natural or man-made catastrophic events by integrating the best practices in societal safety, homeland security, emergency management, national defense, civil protection, environmental protection, scientific research, architecture, and human factors.

Established in the U.S. in 1995 by Gian-Marco Cabibbe as a boutique aerospace & defense engineering firm, CABIBBE is today a leading specialist in maritime multi-hazard protection engineering for the safeguarding of people against natural or man-made disasters in complex, contested, non-permissive, and often high-risk environments.

We call ourselves a lighthouse for our unwavering commitment to the protection of human life in the maritime domain, and for our dedication to some fundamental values: guidance, safety & security, hope & resilience, strength & steadfastness, innovation & ingenuity, and of course the overcoming of challenges & eternal vigilance.

CABIBBE is based in Belgrade, Serbia with the main operations offices in Trieste, Italy and in Helsinki, Finland and representative offices in Norway, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, Russia, Türkiye, Cambodia, and in the USA & Canada.

Human-Centered Protection: Mission · Profession · Passion

Specialists in

Kinetic & Non-Kinetic Protection Technologies

Protection Engineering for River Ports & Sea Ports

We are a team of designers, engineers, scientists, and advisors with a passion for hyper-resilient maritime facilities.  We envision and co-create with our clients the most advanced, energy-efficient, and secure maritime infrastructures.  We adopt the latest trends in CPTED, Safety-II and Resilience Engineering to ensure the common well-being, and a continuity of business operations even in hostile environments, both on- & offshore.

Protection Engineering for Ships, Yachts, & Special Boats

We are avid boaters and we turned our passion into a profession. Today, we are the leading specialists in the development of hyper-secure vessels, ranging from sea patrol rhibs to river patrol interceptors to luxury megayachts to cruise liners & cargo ships, and even submarines.  We use space-age materials, military-derived systems, stealth technologies, science-based solutions, and digital twins for a complete vessel protection, survivability, and resilience.

Protection Engineering for Critical Maritime Infrastructures

We are the leaders in the surveillance and defense of critical maritime infrastructures in coastal areas, on river banks, and offshore:

  • power plants and data centers
  • underwater cables and pipelines
  • crude oil depots and tank farms
  • offshore rigs, FDPSOs, and subsea facilities

Protection Engineering for Coastal Communities

The well-being of the whole community is of paramount importance.  Our designs protect residential areas and urban waterfronts from natural or man-made disasters while improving the living conditions by reducing traffic & pollution, by reducing crime via special landscaping concepts, and by increasing the overall quality of life.  We implement advanced engineering solutions, renewable energy plants, and early warning systems.

Protection Engineering for Luxury Maritime Assets

We are the world´s leading specialists in the design of hyper-protected yachts & waterfront estates.  Our next-gen solutions include: complete perimeter protection, advanced "serenity/safe/panic rooms" & citadels, nuclear bunkers, complete protection against natural disasters, protection against kidnapping & acts of terrorism, protection against electronic eavesdropping, and much more.  Read more.

reSEAlience - The Fourth Age of Maritime Safety & Security

We are researchers and scholars in Societal Resilience as the new development of Safety & Security and we are the creators of TRIESTE - LIVING SEALAB - a concept for the world´s first living lab dedicated to coastal communities and the maritime sector in general.

reSEAlience .. enabling excellence in science, technology, and education

Expert Advisors on the Works of ISO/TC 292 Committee

We are scholars in societal resilience and we follow very closely the works of ISO Technical Committee 292 in regard to Security & Resilience.  We guide companies in understanding the published standards, in anticipating upcoming standards, and in implementing the best practices set forth by the TC292 colleagues.  We cover ALL topics.

Expert Advisors on NFPA Standards

We are one of the very few experts in Europe on NFPA standards.  Whilst it is true that these standards apply only to the North American market, it is also true that they provide an invaluable wealth of knowledge, information, and guidelines.  We cover ALL topics, from building safety to societal resilience including the upcoming consolidated NFPA 1660 & 1300 standards.  We are also trainers in NFPA 70E standard.

Maritime Workplace Safety & Maritime Security

We are leading experts, researchers, and trainers in maritime QHSSE.  We believe that Safety & Security MUST be integrated with Quality assurance, Healthy workplaces, and Environmental protection.  We are specialists in the implementation of IAPH, ISPS, MTSA, CSI, STCW, & BMP5 directives for the protection of onshore, offshore, & river operations and we are licensed providers of maritime security (pfso, ofso, cso, mso) & workplace safety services.

Integration of Safety & Security Systems

We are an expert integrator of safety & security technologies which are also energy-efficient and protected even against new threats such as electromagnetic pulses, suicide drones, and cyber attacks.  The cross-utilization of "safety systems for security", and of "security systems for safety" ensures an unprecedented level of availability & reliability and cost-effective optimization of resources.

Network-Centric Safety & Security for Network-Denied Environments

We are researchers & designers of network-optional smart safety & security solutions for ships, ports, and offshore facilities. Nowadays, all our systems are connected and are nodes in the IoT / IoE network.  Even people, with their handheld devices have become nodes.  Our solutions guarantee continuity of operations even if the access to the network is denied or if one or more nodes suffer a critical failure.

Maritime Disaster Prevention Services

We are esteemed providers of civil protection consulting services related to maritime disasters prevention.  We can help in case of tsunamis, hurricanes, oil spills, and emergency medical support to seafarers.  Our unique technologies, equipment, and services make us the most innovative maritime civil protection consulting company. We conduct underwater inspections, underwater demolitions, HazMat & ordnance disposal, and salvage operations.

Robotic Drones for Inspections of Ships & Port Terminals

We are an expert integrator, operator, and exclusive dealer of the ROBOTICAN´s ROOSTER ROBOTIC DRONE SYSTEM - an advanced 3-drone system for all sorts of inspections (visual, thermal / IR, CBRN-E, HazMat, etc.) in confined spaces and without the need for a live communication link to the operator. Also suitable for people search under rubble or in smoke-filled areas in case of disaster or industrial accident.

Maritime Homeland Security & Force Protection

Evolution faithful to the origins: we were born as a defense company and we are faithful to our origins .. defense & space technologies are our heritage after all.  But we have evolved and now we are the leading advisors for the implementation of such solutions into the merchant marine, luxury yachting, and SAR / coast guard operations.  And of course, we support national defense & homeland security agencies in the protection of their personnel.

Maritime Aviation Operations & Design Services

We have a second-to-none expertise in the aviation sector, and in particular in maritime aviation (fixed wing, rotary wing, surveillance missions, weather reconnaissance missions, SAR & MEDEVAC missions, rocket payload recovery, etc.).  We are now leading the design of helipads both for the oil & gas sector and the private yacht sector.  We are specialized in safety engineering, security systems, and advanced construction technologies.  We provide training & certification services worldwide.

Aeronautics, Defense, & Space Systems Engineering

As a systems engineering boutique consulting firm, we provide our technical services for systems design & manufacturing in all strategic domains.  We are specialists in the following standards:

ISO 9001 / AS 91xx · 14001 · 18788 · 20858 · 223xx · 28000 · 28007 · 27000 · 29001 · 31000 · 45001 · 50001 · AQAP 2x10 · AIRBUS ASR / GRAMS / GRESS

We are present nearby most aerospace & defense companies across Europe.

Maritime Security Training Consulting

We are a leading provider of maritime security training consulting services and related training equipment and realistic scenarios.

Whether it is offshore or in a riverine context or even along urban waterfronts, we cover it all .. reconnaissance training, surveillance training, tactical intervention training, hostage rescue training, counterterrorism training, and much more.

Personnel Search, Training, & Placement

We are HR specialists for the maritime sector.  We have a worldwide network of well-trained maritime personnel available to support all your local operations.  We personally select and train each person to make sure they all have a common platform to work in complete safety.  In fact, the majority of accidents happen because of a wrong interpretation of instructions or because of a lack of standardized practices.  We take care of all.

Our Exclusive Brand of Products, Solutions, & Services

Most of the products available today are of excellent quality but they do not always fulfill the requirements of our clients.  Hence we developed our own brand of customized products: ROCKTHOR - PATRIOT DEFENSE SYSTEMS.  Under this brand we promote a new generation of safety & security solutions, ranging from vessels, vehicles, aircraft, PPE (CBRN-E, ballistic, & arc flash protection), and of amphibious technologies and EMP-protected systems.  ROCKTHOR also provides insurance & logistics consulting services as well as aerospace solutions management and general trading services.

Services in Italy - Servizi in Italia

In Italia, CABIBBE è registrata come Centro di Formazione certificato per la sicurezza sul lavoro (d.lgs. 81/2008).

" per un imprenditore lungimirante, la sicurezza non è un costo ma bensì un vantaggio competitivo "

Forniamo servizi di consulenza e supporto a 360 gradi in materia di sicurezza: igiene e sicurezza sul lavoro (d. lgs. 81/2008 / safety), sicurezza aziendale (safety e security), sicurezza alimentare (HACCP), sicurezza ambientale, sicurezza marittima (safety e security come da codici ISPS / STCW / BMP5), e sicurezza aeronautica (safety).

Forniamo servizi di formazione in materia di sicurezza: sicurezza sul lavoro, sicurezza aziendale, sicurezza alimentare, sicurezza ambientale, utilizzo di macchinari speciali, lavori in quota e in spazi confinati, lavori subacquei, e guida sicura / movimento terra con corsi e simulazioni online e direttamente sul luogo di lavoro del cliente.  Siamo Formatori di Formatori, e formatori di RSPP / ASPP, RLS, e PFSO.

Siamo appassionati e studiosi della cultura della sicurezza e della "behavior-based safety", e siamo promotori di un approccio integrato QHSSE (qualità - salute - sicurezza - ambiente).

Ricopriamo i ruoli di RSPP e PFSO / OFSO su richiesta dei clienti, redigiamo i piani di sicurezza (DVR, DUVRI, piani operativi, piani di security, piani di autocontrollo, ecc.), e gestiamo tutti gli aspetti dell´implementazione del piano inclusa la scelta e gestione di fornitori terzi, e l´adeguamento di apparati e sistemi.

Forniamo servizi di consulenza in materia di sicurezza del trasporto di merci pericolose (d. lgs. 35/2010) e  ricopriamo il ruolo di RMP (Responsabile Merci Pericolose ADR - RID - IMDG - ADN - ICAO T.I. - IATA DGR) su richiesta dei clienti.

Siamo specialisti nel rischio elettrico e nello standard NFPA 70E, con particolare attenzione alla protezione da archi voltaici.

Siamo specialisti in materia di GDPR e nella gestione di informazioni sia visive (da videocamera) che cartacee o archivi digitali.

Siamo consulenti in materia di sicurezza aziendale (security) UNI 10459:2017 in particolare per la vigilanza & protezione degli impianti, la protezione anti-sabotaggio / anti-terrorismo anche in zone ad alto rischio, e la protezione delle infrastrutture critiche on- / offshore, il tutto in modo integrato con la safety.

Siamo consulenti in materia di tutela alimentare e tutela ambientale incluso servizi di antisofisticazione / antisabotaggio / antiterrorismo / antiavvelenamento, tracciamento anti-frode del cibo e dei rifiuti (con relativo monitoraggio e sorveglianza di discariche ed impianti di riciclaggio), protezione biologica, chimica, fisica, & radiologica del cibo e del personale, integrazione dei concetti food defense - food safety - food quality - food fraud, e implementazione di vari strumenti FDA tra cui: FDMSD, Food Defense 101, Food Defense Plan Builder, FREE-B, FIDES, CRISTAL, e CARVER + Shock.